Leasing Division FAQ
How does a State entity lease space on Capitol Hill (GBA-owned and managed buildings)?
State agencies interested in obtaining new space or making a modification to existing space in GBA owned buildings on Capitol Hill should go to the GBA website and complete a Space Action Form along with a Space Utilization Questionnaire (SUQ). Please submit these forms to GBA at GBASpaceManagement@gba.ga.gov.
Is there a way for commercial landlords to be notified when SPC posts a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking space?
All RFPs for leased space are posted on the State Properties Commission (SPC) website (Multi-Year Lease Needs). SPC has implemented a notification system which allows individual users to automatically receive notifications of RFPs for lease space. If you are interested in receiving these notifications, go to the RFPs for Lease Space on the SPC website (Multi-Year Lease Needs). Click the “Subscribe” link. The “Subscribe” link will bring up a blank email. Send the blank email and you will receive a confirmation email to add you to the list serve.
Generally, how long does it take to complete a new lease request?
Each situation is unique but generally 9 -12 months:
- SPC space management (Program and Budget requiring agency approval): 3 weeks
- SPC performs Market survey / review with agency: 3 weeks
- Draft and post RFP (1 week to draft/ 4 week advertisement): 5 weeks
- Review proposals / short list / tours: 4 weeks
- Best and Final RFP posted for short listed sites: 4 weeks
- Review best and final proposals / select apparent awardee: 3 weeks
- Negotiate and draft a letter of intent with apparent awardee: 2 weeks
- Lease negotiations: 4 weeks
- Test fit (requiring agency review and approval)
Note – Agency is limited to 2 revisions to the test fit: 7 weeks - Construction drawings: 5 weeks
- Landlord bidding and permitting: 3 weeks
- State Fire Marshal review of CDs (required and outside of SPC control): 6 weeks
- Construction: 13 weeks
- State Fire Marshal inspection at 80% and 100%
- Walk through and punch list: 2 weeks
- Move: 1 week
- Total: 65 weeks
How does SPC determine when to use a multiyear lease instead of an annual lease?
As of January 1, 2013, SPC has the authority to enter into multiyear lease or rental agreements with fiscal and legislative oversight of these agreements by the General Assembly and Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission (“GSFIC”), respectively. Determining when to use a multiyear lease, SPC policy (SPC 08) states that a need should be of space greater than 3,000 square feet and/or have tenant improvements exceeding $50,000. Additionally, the policy states as a general guideline, a multiyear rental agreement having a premises of less than 10,000 square feet should not have a term longer than 10 years; a premises of more than 10,000 square feet shall not have a term longer than 20 years.
If an entity needs to relocate, when should our request be sent?
Please inform SPC Space Management Division as soon as possible since the ability to relocate depends on the specific terms of each lease. Notification should be made via submission of a relocation request in REACH. If you are requesting to relocate from leased space, the ability to relocate will depend on the specific terms of the current lease. Agency lease coordinators may also contact their assigned Leasing Specialist(s) by email or telephone. If you are unsure of your assigned Leasing Specialist, please refer to the
Leasing Specialist and Contract Broker Agency Assignments.
How should an agency inform SPC of issues they are having with an existing landlord?
Making SPC aware of this information is critical. SPC must have a complete picture of how the space and landlord are meeting the business needs of the agency. There are 2 ways we request you inform SPC: 1) Letter / form at the time of the issue and 2) on the SAF when requesting an action. An example letter and form can be found at "Facility Check List". If the issue is urgent and impacts the agency’s occupancy of the space please call your leasing specialist immediately.
When should an agency coordinator send in a contract renewal letter?
SPC coordinates and sends contract renewal letters to Landlords. During January or February of each year, SPC holds a meeting for all agency leasing coordinators during which the Leasing Division staff will notify agency coordinators of those leases needing renewal and renegotiations. The agency will communicate to SPC which leases they want renewed or renegotiated. In most cases, options to renew or renegotiate each lease must be submitted no later than April 1st of each year or approximately 90 days in advance of the expiration date of the leases.
If, during the SPC space search process, an agency sees or becomes aware of space that may meet the needs of the agency, what should be done?
Please do NOT meet with, email or otherwise engage any landlord or broker. Please take down the appropriate contact information or flyer and submit to your SPC leasing specialist.